

In this section you can find the dates, costs and details on how to register for the additional programs needed for the M2 qualifications. These programs are also open to students of EIVS who have already completed their study in past years. All of these programs are taught in both English and French.

M2.3.2 Vikriti Vijnana (pathology) training

This is an advanced pathology training for students who have already completed the M2 Level 1 program with Vaidya Atreya Smith. This subject is about individual pathology’s in the Level 3 (M2 3.1). In this training Vaidya Atreya uses the Caraka Samhita to explain the detailed approach of Dosha pathology.

M2.3.2 Vikriti Vijnana (pathology) training Vaidya Atreya Smith will teach advanced methods focusing on Ayurveda pathology. In this training, Vaidya Atreya will use the Caraka Samhita to explore the different pathologies created by the three Dosha; Vata, Pitta, Kapha. In general, there are 5 (...)

M2.2.2 Roga Nidana Vijnana training

This is an advanced training for students who have already completed the M2 Level 1 program with Vaidya Atreya Smith. Nidana is the study of disease and its manifestations. Specifically it is the study of causal factors for disease and develops all forms of diagnosis in Ayurveda. This training is taught as part of the Level 2 (M2 2.1) . In this training Vaidya Atreya uses the Nidana Sthana of Caraka Samhita to explain the detailed approach of disease formation. Students from other schools are welcome to do this online training.

M2.2.2 Roga Nidana Vijnana Roga Nidana Vijnana training is based on the study of the 8 chapters of Nidana Sthana from the Caraka Samhita to explain the detailed approach to the cause and formation of disease. The aim of Pañca Nidāna is to use a variety of means to understand disease and its (...)

M2.1.2 Advanced diagnostic training (Vikriti Pariksha)

This advanced diagnostic course in Ayurveda is open to all Ayurveda students. An attestation of 32 hours of study in Ayurveda will be issued by the European Institute of Vedic Studies.

M2.1.2 Advanced diagnostic training (Vikriti Pariksha) Vaidya Atreya Smith will teach all methods of diagnosis focusing on pulse diagnosis which helps to clarify pathology in Ayurvedic medicine. The first day will review all forms of diagnosis (tongue, pulse, etc.) and the second day will (...)

Additional program information

In this section you can find the dates, costs and details on how to register for the additional programs needed for the M2 qualifications. These programs are also open to students of EIVS who have already completed their study in past years. Courses are taught in English.

M2.1.2 Advanced diagnostic training (Vikriti Pariksha) 32 hours of study Click here for more information Dates: April 13 - 14, 2024 Cost: CHF 380 CHF This course in taught in French and English M2.1.3 Sanskrit study online 100 hours of study - EIVS is recommending this school in the UK to (...)